Macular degeneration is an age related eye disease usually affecting people over the age of 50. The macula (the central part of the retina) is the part of the eye that provides fine detailed central vision. This area is what becomes damaged. There are two types of macular degeneration dry and wet. The dry form is the most common and the least damaging. The macula shows aging changes within the layers.

The only treatments for the dry form is monitoring with regular eye exams and taking a multivitamin or an AREDS formula vitamin.

The AREDS study showed that taking this formulation of vitamins long term can help slow down the progression of dry to the wet form. The wet form is more damaging to one’s vision because abnormal blood vessels grow between the layers of the macula. These abnormal vessels bleed and leak fluid into the layers cause distortion to your vision or even a central blind spot. Treatments for the wet form include rarely laser treatment and more commonly injections of medication into the eye to stop the leaking, dry up the fluid and prevent further abnormal blood vessel growth. Macular degeneration patients should be examined yearly and it is recommended that they take the above vitamins, wear sunglasses and stop smoking.